With her latest EP release, actress Zsá Zsá Inci Bürkle demonstrates how young talents are increasingly embracing more than one art form. Discover Germany, Austria & Switzerland finds out more about her love for music and more.
DISCOVER GERMANY: What does ‘home’ mean to you?
Zsá Zsá: Family and friends. For me, home means feeling good and a feeling of security and trust.
DISCOVER GERMANY: Where is your favourite place in the world?
Zsá Zsá: I actually don’t have a favourite place. I’ve lived in three countries and over six different cities, all of which I share a connection with, but to this day Berlin is where I can breathe the most and feel safe.
DISCOVER GERMANY: How did you get into music? How did that develop?
Zsá Zsá: Both of my parents were musicians, so music has been an important factor throughout my life. I’ve always played instruments and then at some point was part of a school band. That’s how I started writing songs and I just never stopped until I was at the point of really wanting or having to share my songs. That may sound dramatic, but I couldn’t go on without finally appreciating my music myself and giving my art the space in my life or finally acknowledging the space it actually always had.
DISCOVER GERMANY: Congratulations on the release of Harmony! How would you describe the sound of the EP?
Zsá Zsá: Thank you so much! At its core, the Harmony EP is an urban tale of life, modern issues, love, attitude and trauma. Musically, you could call the genre ‘hyperpop’, but actually it’s a journey through all the genres that have inspired me over the past few years. It has a bit of everything and is still very unique.
DISCOVER GERMANY: What are your self-written pieces inspired by?
Zsá Zsá: By my life. Especially on the Harmony EP, everything is based on my life. I always write impulsively from my emotions. I rarely sit down and say, “Well, I’m going to write now”. It’s quite instinctive. I’ve never really written a song in the studio before. I worked on the song in the studio, but the basics mostly come to me at home when I’m playing an instrument or building loops in Logic.
DISCOVER GERMANY: A single is called Pull Up Flex. What is the song about?
Zsá Zsá: Pull Up Flex is about striving for a better life. About being streetsmart, about the moments when you have few options and still manage to stand behind yourself and master it.
DISCOVER GERMANY: Actress AND singer – for many this is still unimaginable. How do you counter that?
Zsá Zsá: I had this problem myself when I was younger. But what should you do? That’s my form of expression, my art. I can’t just put the voice out because people still have a problem with that. I love these two professions so much and I think there is absolutely no reason to limit yourself these days. When you feel something and want to express something, no matter which way, who’s to tell you that you can’t? That would be a very sad, uninspired world to live in.
DISCOVER GERMANY: You have already worked as an actress in a number of productions. Which shoot do you remember most fondly and why?
Zsá Zsá: Probably Gladbeck, a film about the hostage drama in the ‘80s. The shoot was incredibly intensive, because I feel it is about a very important story that, in addition to the dramatic events, also contains a lot that is important for our current society to feel and question. It was important to tell these stories, and to do justice to the case and the real people involved. It was a great responsibility and also a great honour to be able to tell people about this case.
DISCOVER GERMANY: What dreams and wishes do you have for the future?
Zsá Zsá: A more open, loving world, more empathy and compassion. A life centred around art.
DISCOVER GERMANY: Are there any other plans for 2022? What do you have in store?
Zsá Zsá: More music! Hopefully we’ll still be playing live this year and maybe one ofilm project or another.
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