Vishka Assayesh is an Iranian actress, art director and sculptor who has made a name for herself beyond the borders of her country. Her latest film, 7 Days, was the Center Piece at Toronto’s TIFF festival in September. She speaks to Discover Germany, Switzerland & Austria about the significance of this project and more.

Discover Germany: How did you become an actress? Has this always been your dream profession?

Vishka Assayesh: “I became an actress quite unexpectedly at the age of 18. I was cast in a national TV series,playing a character that would soon become a household name. At the time, I was planning to leave Iran to pursue my studies in London and was waiting for my visa to be issued when I was approached by the assistant director of the series. The story goes that they had started shooting the show two years earlier, but the director was very particular about who he wanted for this role. He insisted on casting a new face and didn’t want to use any known actresses. One day, the assistant director saw me at my uncle’s house – my uncle was the director of photography at the time – and suggested that I should audition for the part. My uncle disagreed, saying I wasn’t an actress and that I was planning to leave Iran for college. For two months, the assistant director persisted and finally convinced my uncle to let me audition. The whole process of going to the audition and makeup test didn’t seem serious to me, and I took it lightly, thinking the director would certainly not choose me since there were a couple of other girls there for the makeup test as well. But, to my surprise, two days later, I received a phone call saying I had gotten the part. The series aired two years later, and by then, I was already in London. My mom called me to say I had become famous. As for my childhood dream, I always wanted to become a dancer.”

Discover Germany: What do you love most about this profession?

Vishka Assayesh: “What I love about acting is the connection it creates with people. It’s amazing to take acharacter, analyse who they are, and make them feel like my own, bringing them to life in a unique way. There’s something special about telling stories that haven’t been told before, giving a voice to characters that might otherwise go unheard. Plus, the teamwork involved in making a project come together is so rewarding. And honestly, I thrive on the challenges that come with each role – it pushes me to grow and keeps me excited about the craft.”

Discover Germany: Your favourite film or series you’ve been part of to date?

Vishka Assayesh: “My favourite project to date has to be a film called No Men Allowed. It’s a comedy, and I wonthe Best Actress award for it, which was such an honour! It even became a box-office hit. The story revolves around a strict all-girls high school with an entirely female faculty. But when the chemistry teacher goes on maternity leave, the principal is forced to bend the rules and hire a male teacher – it leads to all kinds of fun chaos. Another favourite of mine is the series Once Upon a Time Mars, which I worked on before leaving Iran. It’s a comedy set in a time when Earth has been destroyed, and everyone from different planets travels to Mars to live. The concept was unique, and the show turned out to be very successful. Both projects hold a special place for me!”

Discover Germany: What can viewers look forward to?

Vishka Assayesh: “In 7 Days, viewers can expect to see powerful, untold stories about Iranian human rights activists and mothers. The film highlights their courageous struggle to uphold their beliefs in the face of injustice and a corrupt system. It delves deeply into their perseverance, shedding light on the emotional and societal battles they face, which are often overlooked. It’s a raw and moving portrayal of their resilience, and I believe it will truly resonate with many. 7 Days presents a gripping narrative that captures the dilemma faced by many Iranian women activists: whether to stay and risk their lives for their rights or to leave. It’s a story that’s both compelling and deeply emotional.”

Discover Germany: What do you love most about your role in 7 Days?

Vishka Assayesh: “What I love most about my role in 7 Days is getting to portray such strong, courageous women, like Nasrin Sotoudeh, Shirin Ebadi, Narges Mohammadi, and so many other lionhearted women who fight for human rights. When I was approached for the film, I was moved by the responsibility of telling their stories. Iranian women are the definition of resilience, and it was such an honour to bring their experiences to the screen. It felt like a powerful way to contribute to cinema and shine a light on the struggles and victories of these incredible women.”

Discover Germany: 7 Days was produced by a German production firm from Hamburg. How did you enjoy your time in the city?

Vishka Assayesh: “Unfortunately, I didn’t have any scenes in Germany, but I do have a special connection to thecountry. I lived in Heidelberg for a year when I was 14 and went to a Gymnasium there. It was such a great experience, and I’ve loved Germany ever since!”

Discover Germany: What was the hardest part of filming 7 Days?

Vishka Assayesh: “The challenge was appearing in front of the camera without wearing a hijab for the first time inmy career. Being able to freely touch and feel my hair, stroke my fingers through it, and caress my neck or ears if needed, moving my body without any restrictions or worries, represented a significant shift in my portrayal of characters. These physical aspects are now intertwined with my acting process and self-expression. This realisation made me nervous. Appearing in front of the camera without a hijab was not about looking attractive; it was about reconnecting with parts of myself that had been suppressed for many years. It made me realise how normal it has become to ignore the female body. For so long, society has expected women to hide their bodies and breaking away from that felt both freeing and scary. It showed me just how much we’ve gotten used to ignoring something so natural.”

Discover Germany: You’re also an artist who creates sculptures. How did you get into that?

Vishka Assayesh: “I’ve always had a passion for sculpture. I find that I’m not very good with words to express my feelings or thoughts, but I’m skilled at creating things. Plus, working on sculptures helps me stay calm and focused.”

Vishka Assayesh: “I was moved by the responsibility of telling their stories”

Vishka Assayesh in 7 Days.

Discover Germany: What do your sculptures embody? What are you trying to convey with them?

Vishka Assayesh: “My sculptures are all about celebrating female empowerment and capturing a mix of beauty, elegance, and strength. They’re a blend of my experiences as an actress and sculptor, plus my love for dance. Acting taught me how to express and tell stories, while sculpting lets me bring those stories to life physically. I sculpt small figures of women in various dance poses and then piece them together to create larger, flowing movements. It’s a process that takes a lot of time and patience, but I find it rhythmic and meditative. For me, it’s all about blending performance with sculpture to capture the dynamic beauty of dance.”

Discover Germany: What do you most miss about your home country of Iran?

Vishka Assayesh: “I really miss my mom and sister a lot. It’s those little everyday moments I cherish – like kissing and hugging my mom or teasing my sister, and just having our conversations. I also miss the mountains around Tehran. They had such a unique energy, and I used to go hiking every week. There’s something so special about being out there, surrounded by nature, and those hikes were a big part of my routine. It’s the combination of family and nature that I miss the most.”

Discover Germany: What’s next for you? What other projects are planned?

Vishka Assayesh: “What’s next for me? I’m diving into my next sculpture exhibition, which I’m really excited about. It’s taking place at the Men Art Fair from September 20 to 22. I’m also hoping to tackle another trail marathon soon. I’ve done a 38K one in Cappadocia before and would love to do it again. And, of course, I’m looking forward to getting involved in another film project. There’s a lot on my plate, but I’m thrilled about what’s coming up.”

Discover Germany: You’ve already achieved a lot. Any personal wishes and dreams that you really want to reach?

Vishka Assayesh: “Oh, I’ve got a few big dreams! I’d love to be part of a Broadway show, work with Tim Burton, and play in a musical band on stage. I figure, why not dream big, right? If you aim high, who knows what might happen.”

Follow Vishka Assayesh on Instagram for updates: @vishka.asayesh

Vishka Assayesh: “I was moved by the responsibility of telling their stories”

Photo: Lena Faye

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