GREGOR KLEINKNECHT: Starting-up in Brexit Britain

Setting up a new business is as exciting a project as it is a challenging one (I know, I have done it), regardless of whether you are a kid fresh out of university and about to rock the gig economy, or an old hand at business and seasoned serial entrepreneur. Britain has always been a welcoming environment for start-ups and the statistics suggest that this continues to be the case. According to the start-up tracker at, some 2,465 new companies were registered today alone (over 300,000 this year to date). Now, some of these new companies will simply sit on the shelf, some will never take off as an actual business and, even if they do, famously, four out of ten new businesses will not be around to see their fifth anniversary.
Thankfully, the impending economic gloom, which some predicted in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit referendum last year, has not so far materialised and, for now, the British economy has been enjoying relative health. Nevertheless, there are signs that this may be about to change, with consumer spending down and the outcome of last week’s general election having made the shape and potential political and economic consequences of Brexit yet more uncertain.
So, does it make sense to set up a new business in Brexit Britain? The lawyer’s standard answer to any question will (as always) fit: it depends. Well, it actually does. Many of the fundamentals remain unchanged: Britain continues to attract the brightest and the best, is the international hub par excellence, the regulatory environment is benevolent, the labour market flexible, and the corporation tax rate one of the lowest in the developed world. The weakness of Sterling has helped exporters and the tourism industry. There will therefore be industry sectors, in particular those serving the domestic economy, not dependent on foreign labour, and without the need necessarily to access the single market in future, in which now is as good a time as any to launch a new business.
On the other hand, many foreign investors are adopting a wait-and-see attitude, in particular if setting up a subsidiary business in the UK, which involves significant capital expenditure and long-term contracts. A serious commitment of resources may be more difficult to justify for now if there is uncertainty about the terms of access to European markets, or the ability to post personnel in the UK, and there is a risk that the regulatory environment will start to diverge. Other potential problem areas include a range of tax questions, from VAT on cross-border transactions, to double taxation and customs duties, which will require careful consideration.
However, that need not place business on hold. Alternative approaches include the appointment of a local distributor, subject to contractual safeguards with enough flexibility to permit termination of the arrangement in the event that the future trading relationship between the UK and the rest of the EU should eventually turn out to be more difficult than everybody hopes for now. The first step in the right direction will always be to obtain professional advice tailored to the specific circumstances of the new business venture.
In the long term, however, the UK will remain one of the leading European economies and an attractive market place. Once there is more clarity about what Brexit actually means, businesses will no doubt find a way to work with whatever the future brings. Fingers crossed and good luck.
Gregor Kleinknecht LLM MCIArb
is a German Rechtsanwalt and English solicitor, and a partner at Hunters Solicitors, a leading law firm in Central London.
Hunters Solicitors, 9 New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, London WC2A 3QN,
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