MOSER® Animalline

The Wahl Clipper Corporation, an American company, was founded back in 1919, right after the first electric hair clipper was invented by Leo J. Wahl. The German branch was established in 1946 under the name Kuno Moser, and in the seventies the company produced the first animal hair clipper, the MOSER® Rex. “Nowadays, MOSER® Animalline is THE brand for discerning animal hair clippers that are used at the master’s home,” Damaris Höld, product manager for animal goods, tells us. Not for nothing, the brand has been honoured with the Brand of the Year Award 2017/2018 in the category Grooming Products – Trimmer Germany. “We offer a wide range of animal hair clippers, either with a battery or with a cable, for fur shearing at home and many extras for grooming.”
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