Gallery Walker

Although it started out as a backyard gallery in Hermagor in 1988, the Gallery Walker has since grown into a multilateral setting for exciting art and exhibitions. In their work, gallery founder Judith Walker and her daughter Carolin Walker place a specific emphasis on being a strong partner to the artists whose works they display. Through these efforts, they have supported both international art as well as their local scene, which does not need to fear its international competition. Residing in Ebenau Castle some 17 kilometres from Klagenfurt, the main exhibition space stretches out over more than 800 square metres. After exhibitions in Judith Walker’s family home, the gallery was moved here in 1996. “We have renovated it in small steps,” explains Walker. Nowadays, the castle offers stunning scenery for the presented works and a garden, which becomes an open-air studio for an inspiring dialogue between different artistic point of views. “Especially in the summer we try to attract the culturally aware through special exhibition themes,” says Carolin Walker.
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