ergonomische RINGE
Finding the perfect ring, as everyday jewellery or especially for weddings, is not an easy task. Often enough the ring is too wide or thick and, even though very pretty, simply too uncomfortable to wear. With ‘ergonomische RINGE’ the Family Matthias, Peter and Maike Thomas have found the perfect solution: ergonomically formed rings, naturally enveloping the finger like a second Skin. Every ‘ergonomische RINGE’ ring fits just one, unique person and is handmade to measure, which makes even broad rings comfortable to wear without bothering the wearer when doing daily tasks. “When, for example, a couple comes to one of our ateliers, we take a lot of time for consultation,” says Maike Thomas, who created the concept for ergotrauringe together with two uncles. Unlike other rings, ‘ergonomische RINGE’ are angular, thus following the line of the finger. This also means the ring does not slip or turn around on the finger. “We measure the angle and the ring size, consider all possibilities and Details and, together with the couple, develop a unique and very personal pair of rings.” With a consultation in-between to make sure the measurements are indeed correct, in the end customers will have a ring they actually co-created.
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