In Berlin, visitors can experience a parallel cosmos of expansive light installations in which the boundaries between the real and the digital worlds become blurred. The DARK MATTER exhibition is a multi-dimensional parallel world of light, space and sound.

Within the pitch-black rooms of a converted factory, the visitor embarks on a journey through seven partly interactive works. Light, movement and sound fuse into emotional choreographies of luminous shapes and colours.

Built across 1,000 square meters of exhibition space, DARK MATTER presents a range of multimedia installations. These vary from breathtakingly intimate light compositions to interactive walk-in structures, and room-encompassing audiovisual performances. Some works are supported with a worldwide unique 3D-sound system. Each room possesses an own individual atmosphere that unfolds upon entry, creating a holistic and one-of-a-kind experience; a space to be enjoyed by visitors of all ages and backgrounds.

DARK MATTER: Blurring boundaries between the real and the digital

Photo: WHITEvoid

Behind this pioneering experience is visionary German light artist and designer Christopher Bauder and his design studio WHITEvoid. Bauder is also the founder of the innovative lighting technology producer KINETIC LIGHTS and is known for his large-scale art installations and performances that explore the effects of light and sound on human perception and emotion. “There are still a lot of borders we can push to change traditional listening experiences and visual perception and I am interested in pursuing it,” explains Christopher Bauder his artistic approach. He continues: “I use light as an ephemeral material that can be shaped and formed even though it’s not really tangible. Light is hard to tame, and its properties are often surprising and difficult to control. But especially this his makes light a very lively and alive material to work with.”

DARK MATTER: Blurring boundaries between the real and the digital

Photo: Ralph Larmann

Parallel to his work, Bauder is simultaneously furthering his career as a light and media artist across the world and is best known for his expansive light art installations such as LICHTGRENZE which he created with his brother Marc in 2014 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. His latest project SKALAR, conceived alongside music producer Kangding Ray, has already been visited by more than 200,000 people in Berlin, Zurich, Amsterdam, and Mexico City.

Collectively, the team’s extensive portfolio includes the prolific installations DEEP WEB and SKALAR at Kraftwerk Berlin. In 2014, Bauder and WHITEvoid were also responsible for LICHTGRENZE, in which they imagined of and produced 8,000 luminescent balloons to mark the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

In cooperation with other innovative technology partners, DARK MATTER operates as a space for continued experimentation. 15 years of technical innovation and creative vision come together in this collection of unique light installations, some of which have never been displayed to the public before.

DARK MATTER: Blurring boundaries between the real and the digital

Photo: WHITEvoid

The exhibition

DARK MATTER takes the audience on a journey through darkness and light in seven chapters. Visitors move through the exhibits and interact with the objects, sound, light and surrounding space. In this way, everyone experiences the exhibition uniquely. For a series of moments, the fast pace of everyday life gives way to meditative, hypnotic power of light, motion and sound.

The exhibition is a living organism that will evolve and transform over time, illuminating the darkness of the exhibition spaces in new and varied ways. DARK MATTER remains ethereal and always in motion, a vision that only takes shape for brief moments.

Most of DARK MATTER’s installations are based on developments by the innovative lighting technology manufacturer KINETIC LIGHTS, which have been either specially adapted or newly developed for the exhibition.

‘Kinetic lighting’ refers to suspended lighting elements in a wide variety of shapes which are artfully synchronized with the help of computer-controlled motorized winches.

Combining state-of-the-art technology with an artistic approach, KINETIC LIGHTS has developed a completely new lighting aesthetic that is unique to the art, event and entertainment industry worldwide.

DARK MATTER: Blurring boundaries between the real and the digital

Photo: Ralph Larmann


With his latest art installation FLOW, light artist Christopher Bauder is once again lighting up the Berlin night this summer. Dutch musician Chris Kuijten composed the multi-channel, immersive soundtrack. The large-format work will be on display in the outdoor area of DARK MATTER until 29 September from sunset as part of SOMMERLIGHTS 2024.

FLOW describes the exhilarating feeling of complete immersion and total absorption in a seemingly endless moment. FLOW describes the state of total detachment, a state in which you forget space and time. You are in the moment and completely absorbed in it.

The state of FLOW is as easy and natural as breathing. This vague yet concrete feeling of being in FLOW is what we long for in life. Everything is in perfect balance. We forget time. We lose ourselves. FLOW is a fleeting moment of stillness where everything fits, everything makes sense and the world is simply beautiful. FLOW changes and yet is so light, so deeply rooted in us and as simple as breathing.

DARK MATTER: Blurring boundaries between the real and the digital

Photo: Ralph Larmann

The gigantic light art sculpture is made up of 1,000 partially movable lights with over 30,000 individually controllable light points. The computer-generated, floating sculpture glows in infinite shapes and patterns, as if organically drawn by nature, yet technically perfect. Endless waves breaking on a distant beach, the water moving towards the visitor, then receding, only to approach again with the next wave. A constant up and down, back and forth. Everything is in motion and flux, everything changes, nothing stays the same, and yet in that moment you feel suspended and in FLOW.

The light installation consists of a 45-minute show that repeats throughout the evening after sunset. There are no fixed start times, you can come at any time and stay as long as you like.

DARK MATTER: Blurring boundaries between the real and the digital

Photo: Frank Sauer

Live music & more

This year, the event series will once again feature a colourful mix of events in addition to the classic installation: On selected evenings, Bauder’s FLOW installation will be transformed into the setting for exciting DJ and live sets. In addition to Max Cooper and KiNK, who were already at the controls at SOMMERLIGHTS LIVE last year, further artists will be added in the course of the season. Interested parties can find out the exact dates via Instagram and the DARK MATTER homepage, as well as the newsletter.

DARK MATTER: Blurring boundaries between the real and the digital

Photo: Ralph Larmann


• Tickets for FLOW @SOMMERLIGHTS cost 10-12 EUR.
• The ticket price for LIVE @SOMMERLIGHTS is different for different live acts.
• Permanent exhibition + FLOW @SOMMERLIGHTS combo ticket: 26-28 EUR


Köpenicker Chaussee 46
10317 Berlin - Lichtenberg

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