Petko Bahovski works with executives, high-potential employees and teams to help them gain self-awareness, clarify their personal as well as professional goals, achieve their development objectives and unlock their true potential.

Based in Zürich, Petko Bahovski is currently working as an executive coach for a global leadership programme for a Swiss corporate client with offices in over 100 countries. He coaches global leaders as well as high-potential employees and not only assists them in discovering their strengths and identifying development areas, but he also helps them overcome their leadership challenges and achieve their goals.

At present, Bahovski works with leaders from more than 15 countries, spread across five continents. He developed his leadership and coaching skills while leading multicultural teams and managing client relationships in Asia, Europe and North and South America. International corporations he has worked with include JPMorgan, Credit Suisse and Coutts.

When selecting coaches for the global leadership programme of the Swiss international company, Bahovski explains the key criteria: “It’s important that the coaches possess Swiss and international practical leadership experience and have managed multicultural teams. They should also work with leaders with a Swiss and international background and have appropriate certification and accreditation by a well-recognised institution such as the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Last but not least, they have to be comfortable to do coaching sessions both in person and over the phone.”

Many high-potential and successful employees get promoted to management, usually because they are very successful in sales or are experts in a particular area or regarding a specific product. Through coaching, such employees can discover their leadership strengths and identify areas of improvement that they can further focus on and develop. This makes their transition into management smoother, faster and more efficient, both for the employee and the company.

Successful leaders, on the other hand, have to constantly adapt to the changing environment by consistently working on their own development areas.

So, what is your next area of development?

Petko Bahovski: What is your next area of development? Discover Germany magazine

“Petko is highly professional, knowledgeable and has the unique talent to combine his professional executive background with solid coaching skills. As a coach he is insightful and empathetic, while being brilliant at probing and challenging. His open and encouraging approach supports the clients to build new awareness, to create innovative opportunities and to agree on specific actions for achieving their goals.” Neda Alkalay, senior executive.

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